Children's Christian Ed
We currently do not offer Sunday School as we do not have any children attending on a regular basis. If the situation changes, or there is an interest, we will gladly offer it again.
What we do offer children...
Soft Space - This is an area in the back of church in front of the last pew that is wide enough to let the little ones play on the floor. Puzzles, books, and a few quiet toys are available for their use.
Activity Bags - There are activity bags with coloring pages, crossword puzzles and search-a-word puzzles appropriate for the season (i.e. Pentecost, Advent, etc). There are also crayons, fuzzy pipe cleaners, and other small activities that the children can play with. Any pages written / colored on, and any pipe cleaner creations can go home with them - the rest we ask that you return to the box at the end of the service.
Children's Corner - This is an area downstairs that the children are welcome to play in during coffee hour, or any other activity we have downstairs (Free Community Agape Dinners, etc.), that has books, coloring materials, blocks, and other quiet toys.
Adult Christian Ed
We offer different programs throughout the year. No previous Bible study experience needed, and everyone is welcome at anytime.
Bible Study Thursdays:
Via Zoom only - please contact the office for meeting information
12:00 to 12:30 pm - Virtual lunch and social time
12:30 to 1:30 pm - Bible Study
Bible Study is meant to be a time to explore the Bible and ask questions without judgment. Everyone is welcome at anytime, no matter your level of knowledge!
Inquirer's Class:
Via Zoom only - please contact the office for meeting information
Wednesday's 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Starting again October 5
Ever wonder why we do the things we do, where our traditions come from?
This class is for anyone who would like to know more about the Episcopal
Church and what it means to be an Episcopalian. This class is also great for
those who wish to be confirmed or received into the church.
**The current class is almost completed. Please contact the office if you are interested in having another session.
Summer Book Club:
June to September
In June, the Bible Study group selects a book for our book club. Everyone is invited to read the book - you do not have to be in Bible Study to participate. We then gather in mid-September to discuss. This summer we read The Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom. Watch the Event Page for the next book!
Seasonal Sessions:
Via Zoom only - please contact the office for meeting information