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10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship with Holy Communion • In person and Facebook Live

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Worship lies at the heart of what it means to be an Episcopalian. Praying shapes our believing and Sunday worship is one of the ways in which we strive to engage in passionate spirituality. St. John’s embraces different forms of worship and is open to new ideas for our worship services.


We use inclusive worship booklets for the different seasons of the church year (Advent, Epiphany, Lent, The Great Fifty Days after Easter and the Sundays after Pentecost known as Ordinary Time). The goal is to offer radical hospitality and provide an easy to follow guide to worship, especially to those who might not be familiar with the rhythm of the Episcopal Church.


Each season offers a blend of the Book of Common Prayer, as well as prayers from other resources.


1st Sunday of the month

We collect food cupboard donations, both in goods and in monetary donations which go to Caring Hearts Community Food Cupboard.



2nd Sunday of the month

Funds collected are used to help those in need, i.e. help with rent, utility bills, gas, etc.



Sundays - Easter, All Saints Day, Blue Christmas, Christmas Lessons and Carols

Weekdays - Ash Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, Advent, Lent


We also offer other online events such as Coffee and Conversations, or guest speakers at various times. Check out the Events and News page for upcoming special services and events. 

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As you enter the church, the focal area leads you
into the season and mindset for worship.

St. John's Episcopal Church

32 East Main Street, Clifton Springs, NY 14432

P.O. Box 622

(315) 462-6611

Sunday Service at 10:00 AM

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