St. John’s is always active in outreach programs within its own community
and throughout the surrounding communities.
Christmas Giving Tree (Angel Tree): We collect gifts, gift cards, and monetary donations for the Clifton Springs Christmas Basket outreach project. These items are then distributed to needy children and families in the Midlakes School District. We have also collected for specific families and people in local nursing homes.
Community Food Cupboards: We support our local community food cupboard, Caring Hearts Food Pantry, each month with food and monetary donations collected from our parishioners. We also supplement the Twin Cities Food Cupboard in Shortsville when needed.
Community Coat Drive / Winter Coat Closet: We start collecting coats in October for the giveaway which takes place in early November. New and gently used winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves are available to children and adults who are in need. The coats are donated by community members, Second Seasons Consignment Shop and St. John’s parishioners, as well as the Rector's Discretionary Fund and grants received by the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. If we do not have what a person needs, we take their information and purchase the items for them. In the past, we also offered a warm meal of chili, soup and bread during the giveaway - this was suspended due to COVID, but hope to offer it this year, if able. The remainder of the coats are kept in our Coat Closet which is open all winter long during office hours (Tuesday - Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm or by appointment). Some are also given to Second Seasons, the local food cupboard, FLACRA and veterans outreach programs.
Crochet Club: Our Crochet Club meets twice a month from September through May to share our love of crochet and to learn new stitches and more. We work on our own projects, but we also make sure that we have prayer shawls and lap blankets available to anyone who requests one. It is the hope that these bring a sense of comfort at a time when the recipient is going through an illness, as a welcome present, or as a comfort item in a new environment.
Family Promise of Ontario County: This organization will provide shelter, meals and access to support services to children and families who are homeless. Family Promise of Ontario County is a cost-efficient, effective way to help homeless families become sustainably independent. We support this mission with monetary and goods donations, as well as volunteering.
Festival of Lights: This festival is held the first weekend in December in downtown Clifton Springs. We have a salt potato giveaway with free-will donations. Any donations received go to local causes, such as the Ontario County Humane Society and Clifton Springs Fire Department. We also participate in the Christmas Tree fundraiser.
FLACRA: Finger Lakes Addictions Counseling & Referral Agency that we support with monetary and goods donations.
Free Agape Communities Dinners: Held the last Thursday of the month from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. This dinner is free and open to everyone. Families and kids are welcome - there are card games and board games available for playing! Agape is a word found throughout the New Testament, and it means "selfless, wholehearted love." Christian communities have met for agape meals for centuries as a way to be in community and share wholehearted love over food.
Free Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: This free dinner is held the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is a day of indulging in the rich, fatty foods that were traditionally abstained from during Lent. Making pancakes was a way to use up butter, milk, sugar and eggs before the 40-day fast. In the past, students from Midlakes High School and clients from FLACRA came and helped as part of their community service. All free will donations received go to local causes, such as the School Supply Project.
House of John: Local hospice that we support with monetary and goods donations as well as volunteering.
Navajo Water Project: We have fundraisers to support this important mission through Dig Deep Right to Water Project. On the Navajo Nation, 30% of families live without running water. We are helping the mission to get clean, hot and cold running water to more households so families can stop hauling water from miles away, and start enjoying the simple miracle of a working tap. This project covers New Mexico, Utah and Arizona.
Other Outreach: We also support the following...
Midlakes Chemical Free Graduation Party
Phelps Community Center Summer Program