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What can I expect when I come to St. John's?

What time is the service?

We have one service on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am.


What will the Sunday service look like?

The service has several different components, including some readings from the Bible, a sermon, prayers for people around us (locally and globally), and Holy Communion. For more information about our service, see our Worship page.


How do I know what to say and do?

There are printed service bulletins for you to pick up when you come into the church that contain the complete worship service. Hymns are listed if not included in the bulletins and can be found in either the blue or red hymnal in each pew.  If you have any questions or need guidance, there are always a few greeters in the church who are willing to help!


Where can I park?

Parking is available on Sunday mornings on Main Street and Teft Avenue by the church, and in the parking lot of FLACRA, which is located across the street from the church.


What should I wear?

Come in what's comfortable! Jeans are perfectly fine. If you want to be a bit dressier, that's fine too. Most worshipers wear a "business-casual" dress.


How long does the service last?

The Sunday service lasts about one hour. 


Do I have to be Episcopalian to come?

Not at all!  Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the service as much as you feel comfortable.  We celebrate Communion (or Eucharist) every week, in which everyone is welcome to take part. 


Is the church handicap-accessible?

Yes. A ramp leads to the exterior door closest to FLACRA, on Teft Avenue. The sanctuary is on the ground floor. We hold coffee hour every Sunday
in the basement, which can be accessed by a chair lift.


What programs are available for children?

We currently do not have a Sunday School program, but do offer some services for the children while they are with us during worship such as a soft space, activity bags, and a children's corner. Please see the Christian Education page for more information.


What if I've been hurt by the Christian church before?

There is no doubt that the Christian church (as a global body) has made mistakes, hurt innocent people, and excluded individuals from the accepting love of God. These are sins for which the church has to seek forgiveness and make amends. We hope that if you've been hurt by the church before, you'll reach out to St. John's, so that we can build a healthier, more loving, Christ-like community together.


How can I find out more if my question isn't listed here?

Feel free to contact us by filling out a Contact Form
or by calling the church office at (315) 462-6611.


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