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2018 Stewardship Campaign


Dear friends,

As autumn makes its appearance, we enter into a time of thanksgiving.  We have a lot to be thankful for at St. John’s: 


  • We have celebrated the two newest members of God’s church in baptism

  • We formally welcomed five adults into St. John’s through Confirmation and Reception

  • Lots of young folks are enjoying our new Soft Space in the sanctuary

  • We are increasing our outreach with more funds and different projects, like a community garden and Girl Scout activities at church

  • Sunday attendance is increasing for the third year in a row

  • We continue to add new music to our worship while maintaining our roots in music of the Episcopal tradition

  • We welcome Arsen Jamkotchian as our new Music Director!


Won’t you help us support the programs that St. John’s offers?  During this Stewardship season, we invite you to think and pray about lending your gifts to support these endeavors, through either financial support or through offering your  time and abilities.  The Commitment Card (linked at the bottom of this page) lists the ministries that we could use your help with.


Also as part of this Stewardship season, the leadership at St. John’s wants to

make sure that we are being good stewards of the gifts and donations that

you offer, so that we can best serve God and the needs of our communities. 

This means that we’d like to hear from you.


Over the past couple weeks at Coffee Hour, we’ve been asking for feedback

about your experience at St. John’s: what feeds you spiritually, what ideas you

think are working, and where you’d like to grow.  Some of these questions

address the feedback you gave us two years ago, when Andrew first came to

St. John’s.  After two years, we think it’s important to assess how we’ve done

and where we’d like to focus our energy in the future.


Specifically, we are looking at how we experience transformation.  This occurs

to us as individuals, as a congregation, and as a local community (and our

community includes several towns).  The guiding question through all of this

research is: How do you experience transformation?


We’ve been conducting a survey during Coffee Hour over the past few weeks to help narrow our focus for where we want to grow in 2018.  If you haven’t been at church the last couple weeks, or if you'd like to share more thoughts, please email us at the church office to offer your feedback.


We want to make sure that we are being good stewards of the time and money that you offer to St. John’s.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


Please return this survey and the enclosed Commitment Card by Sunday, November 12, either by mail or by dropping off at St. John’s. Even if you cannot offer monetary or volunteer support at this time, please keep St. John’s in your prayers.


Thank you for all the work that you put into St. John’s to create a wonderful  community and worship space.


In peace,


Rev. Andrew VanBuren, Rector

Martha Hart, Warden

Steve Lindner, Warden

Ben Backus, Vestry

Anne Lewis, Vestry and Clerk

Bill Lindner, Vestry and Treasurer

Marcia Locke, Vestry

Gary Miles, Vestry

Rick Ross, Vestry

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