Role Descriptions
Want to help out at St. John's but not sure how? Take a look at what is involved in each role. Then fill out an Intention Card to let us know what you're interested in! You can either either print off an Intention Card to mail in, or you can email us to let us know how you'd like to help.
Sunday Worship Leaders – speaking parts
Chalice Bearer - Spends worship at front of church, wears a robe, reads a Bible passage, helps give out Communion
Lector - Sits in regular seat, reads Bible passage to the church
Sunday Worship Leaders – non-speaking parts
Acolyte - Spends worship at front of church, carries cross, helps priest lead service
Altar Guild - Sets up and takes down the altar (before and after worship)
Choir - Spends worship at front of church, wears robes, sings loudly and joyfully
Church School - Either teaches Sunday School or is an assisting chaperone; Church School is once a month
Coffee Hour Host - After worship, makes coffee and brings in a snack for everyone to enjoy after worship
Greeter - Stands at church doors before worship and welcome everyone who comes in
Usher - Brings up wine and bread during service, takes up collection
Regular Opportunities other than Sundays
Bible Study - Participate in Bible Study group (led by priest) once a week
Building Upkeep - Helps with small repairs around church (changing light bulbs, painting, straightening pews, etc.)
Food Cupboard Assistance - Helps unload food truck, hand out food (some Monday mornings, every Thursday for 2 hours)
Prayer Chain - Prays for people in church who request prayers
Second Seasons Consignment Boutique - Donates clothes and items to shop, volunteers at shop
Transportation - Drives to church events those who cannot drive
Vestry - Helps govern the church, approves budget, meets once a month in evening
Visit Sick - Visit those who cannot come to church and would like a visit
Seasonal/Occasional Help
Assist the Treasurer - Works with the treasurer and our local CPA firm to help manage the church finances (duties once a month)
Brass Crew - Polishes church brass a few times per year
Chicken & Biscuit Luncheon - Helps prepare community meal twice a year (in March and October)
Christmas Giving Tree - Buys Christmas gifts for families in town (early December)
Coat Drive - Donates coats or assists with one-day giveaway (early November)
Diocese Convention Delegate - Attends governing meeting for diocese, vote on diocesan decisions (3 meetings per year,
including one-day Convention in early November)
Finance Committee - Helps assemble and approve church budget (meets a few times per year)
Gardens & Grounds - Periodically weeds and waters plants around church, assists with yard clean-up twice per year
Highway Clean-up - Picks up litter on roadside two times per year (April and October)
Office Help - Assists with folding, stapling, and mailing (a few times per year, as needed)
Pancake Supper - Helps prepare and serve food at community dinner (early spring)
Party in a Bag - Assembles bags for those who are unable financially to have a birthday party (each bag contains cake mix,
candles, decorations, and other party supplies)
Provide Meals - Prepares meals (fresh or frozen) for those in need (as needed, usually a few times per year)
Publicity - Hands out flyers for church events, find interesting Facebook links for church page
Sunshine Committee - Sends cards and notes to parishioners in difficult times (each person serves one month at a time, a few
months out of the year)